President’s message
Pink in the City started as a single event in 2006. My young son decided that he wanted to shave his head in support of Breast Cancer patients. That event created an awareness about Breast Cancer in the community and the need to support those who had been touched by this insidious disease. It also modelled that every selfless gesture of support makes a difference. From this first experience it was clear that there was much more to do and my family and I have been blessed to be able to create new opportunities to support this important cause over the years.
Having been raised with a strong belief in volunteerism and giving back to the community, it was important to rally likeminded people to this cause. People who cared and wanted to make a difference. Over time our incredible volunteers, sponsors, partners and medical advisors have allowed us to attain and exceed our goals. They have reached out to others to make our team stronger, more dynamic and diverse. Community partners have played a key role by supporting and attending our various functions and events. Their contributions are invaluable. Our partnerships extend to leadership programs in the Laval high schools through the Model the Way program. Model the Way assures that the commitment to our cause will be carried forward by young people in the future.
Throughout our journey, a partnership with the Breast Clinic of the MUHC was forged. Under the guidance and leadership of Dr. Sarkis Meterissian they have helped define our goals by informing us about Breast Cancer, the needs of patients and of the medical practitioners who care for them. They have accorded us the focus and motivation to continue to strive to make a difference.
Recently, we celebrated Breast Cancer survivors with our Pink Carpet event. An inspirational day with women who are passionate about life. These individuals have become our ambassadors and Pink in the City will continue to annually host this event each yearas a launch for Breast Cancer Awareness month. These women awe and inspire us with their strength and positivity, it has been a true privilege to meet each and every one of them. Knowing that in some small way Pink in the City has made a difference for these individuals and those who battle with them, makes it all worthwhile. That is priceless!
It is impossible to say thank you often enough. The time, tireless efforts and dedication from all stakeholders are an inspiration to all who are touched by Pink in the City. As President I have a profound sense of pride in all that we have accomplished and what we will continue to accomplish in the future. There is a deep feeling of satisfaction for having made a positive difference for so many. Most of all, I am honored to work with an outstanding group of human beings who care deeply and work selflessly.
To anyone who chooses to support Pink in the City in any way possible, we must express our extreme gratitude .We cannot not do it without you. I would particularly like to thank my family who have been there from the beginning. You are my rock.
When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece. John Ruskin